Blog Articles
The Myth of Checking ALL State Medicaid Sanction lists
5/1/2020 The MYTH of checking ALL State Medicaid sanction lists. "Do I really need to check all the available state databases for sanctions?" We get this question from time to time and it typically comes up when someone has heard about a possible software or cloud...
OIG Online Search – A Free Pass Part 2
A Free Pass - PART 2 And what about first names? The OIG recommends "In order to achieve the most accurate search results, enter only the first few letters of the first and last names." Source Same advice of just a few letters....
OIG Online Search – A Free Pass Part 1
A Free Pass - PART 1. How three part last names give a free pass on the OIG LEIE online search. A prospective employee has a last name of "De La Cruz". You search this last name and no results. Sound good? Hold on a minute. There are several excluded people with this...
CMS Preclusion List – A year with the Good, the Bad and the Unfortunate “Secret” List
When the CMS publically introduced the idea of a new list for preclusions back in 2018, a lot of questions were generated. Does it apply to us? Where can I find it? What does it mean? The Good: In short, it's an attempt to curb prescription providers, both individuals...